Saturday, January 23, 2010

Install the window on one end in the opening with hinges and the storm door on the other end.

To make beds I used 1 x 10 locust boards. I made two 4 ft. wide beds along each side with a 2 ft. path down the middle. It is not a good idea to use pressure treated wood since it’s treated with chemicals that may leach into the dirt.

Plant the beds with good things to eat and enjoy having a longer growing season in your own yard!

List of materials for my 20 ft. long greenhouse:

22 pieces of rebar 24 inches long
6 bags sacrete (more or less)
13 pieces of 1" PVC 20 ft. long
33 U-shaped brackets
70 ft. 1 x 3 pressure treated boards
70 ft. 1/4 inch thick firring strips
4 - 2 x 4 x 14 (pressure treated)
2 - 2 x 4 x 10 (pressure treated)
2 - 2 x 4 x 12 (pressure treated)
used window
used storm door
Greenhouse plastic 24 ft. x 40 ft.
1 roll greenhouse tape
100 ft. 1 x 10 locust boards
misc. screws and nails

The cost of the the materials for the last greenhouse I helped build which was 40 ft. long was $583.00

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